WEnt to see this yesterday as part of the programme of our local Film Society. Absolutely hated it! It started out okish, if not great and then got progressively worse!!! I did, however, like the two dancing scenes (apparently, there was a third one towards the end but I didn't see that as we walked out after about an hour - something I never do!!! With this one, though, it almost pained me physically, if you know what I mean!! What little dialogue there was was terrible, and that sort of stupid slapstick comedy type humour I thought was more suited to kindergarten kids (if that!!). Also, everything was dragged and drawn out wayyyy to long!! Some of the stuff that was supposed to be funny was just repeated ad nauseam - I mean, even the village idiot would have gotten it after 3 or 4 repetitions!! I am sorry, I am normally pretty open-minded and I do love unusual movies, but this one was just plain awful and had absolutely NOTHING going for it - complete waste of time!!!