These days there isn't much a hardworking husband and father can do to make ends meet except turn to petty larceny, as seen in this lighthearted tale of corruption and family ties, something of a departure from the usual political thrillers of director Costa Gavras. It's billed as a comedy, which is a little misleading; the film is a character study first, a family portrait second, and a coming-of-age drama third, all underlined with sly wit and unexpected touches of (very French) humor. It's a film composed of odd events and offbeat details, like little sister Martine's unfulfilled incestuous longings for brother Francois, or the two mad, Latin speaking Bulgarian twins who interrupt one of the burglaries. In the end the story settles for charm over substance, but if the entire film adds up to less than the sum of its parts it still remains an entertaining diversion.