Review of Crushed

Crushed (2009)
Every mans nightmare..
13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Every mans nightmare, crazy girl who will do anything to get and keep her man. I see this as the Fatal Attraction meets any bloody torture porn and that's not a bad thing. I love the way this woman can get away with almost anything just by the mere fact that she is female. I think this is a great angle for a horror film and I for one felt pretty bad for Tara's new lover. Tara is the main character of the movie and is played by Natalie Dickinson who knocks her role out of the ball park. This is movie had me squirming and as a jaded horror fan this is not an easy thing to do. I like this movie and recommend it to the true gore hounds and horror movie buff but this is not for the average movie crowd in my mind.
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