Review of Doenjang

Doenjang (2010)
True Love, Honest Craft, and the Aura of the Unique
5 July 2011
A lyrical mystery, following Yoo-jin Choi (Seung-Ryong Ryu), a hard-bitten television producer, as he pursues a lead from an applicant for an internship: A death-row fugitive is captured as he eats a bowl of so delicious, so fragrant, both he and the arresting detectives are held in thrall until he finishes and they can capture him without a struggle.

Choi discovers that the stew was made by a mysterious young woman, Jang Hye-jin (Yu-won Lee), and begins a transformative quest to learn the recipe. No spoilers here, just a recommendation to seek out this movie about true love, honest craft, and the aura of the unique.
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