It's nearly unfathomable that a movie this unwatchable actually got released in theaters and on DVD. It boggles the mind. It is seriously impossible to watch and comprehend this movie. The sound quality is so horrendous you will feel as though someone has stuffed your ears with peanut butter. The video quality is also quite repugnant. The size of the screen changes from scene to scene, and it's often too dark or pixelated to make out what's happening. The intro text is so poorly written it'll make your grammar teacher gouge out her eyeballs with a pen. The characters are flat as paper and unimaginably under-developed. I didn't even know what their names were! The effects were the usual campy kind of effects: lame and easy to make fun of. The plot is impossible to follow. At one point, a scene is repeated twice in a row. At another point, you can clearly hear the director yell "cut!" (after a scene that had nothing to do with the plot). I'm all for watching bad movies, but this takes it to a whole new level. A few times during this I thought "I cannot believe I'm watching this. Why am I watching this? I do not enjoy a single thing about this." Still though, it should be watched because you need to understand how wretched this film is. Troll 2 becomes Shawshank Redemption and The Room becomes The Godfather. I honestly had no idea that a film could be this bad before I saw this. I've made films for my video class before, and they were light years ahead of this! Michael Mfume almost deserves to be commended. Making the worst bad film of all time is probably worth something.
Review of Ax 'Em
Ax 'Em
Look up "bad" in the thesaurus for an accurate description of this movie
12 August 2011