This is almost the worst horror film I've suffered through
12 August 2011
Seriously - I've watched a lot of horror since the age of 11 (and I'm 35 now), and there's only a few films that hurt so much that I'm actually angry after watching them. The Stink of Flesh was one such film...Zombie Nightmare was another. This film, Witchcrap 2, really got under my skin in terms of pure annoyance.

I've never even seen the first film. This one has a guy (William Chugnut), and his missus (Something Bladbladia) 'making out' as they say over there, but then this Bridgit Neilson type turns up and it's all about a box and the parents know something and *eyes close* and *eyes open* there's a geek chick who finds something out and gets killed and *eyes close* and *eyes open* there's a jelly water mango on display and *eyes close* and *eyes open* - My LAST THOUGHT while viewing this film was 'please change the camera shot soon as I am going to fall asleep". This was during the scene where William's dad was describing something or other. The camera doesn't cut away to reaction shots - it's just the same shot, for about six minutes, with nothing interesting happening. Truly awful.

Some hanging globes of joy on display, but that's it. This film is terrible in every respect. I really hated it.
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