I saw both of them
19 August 2011
As the Committee Chairman of the Sunday Night Student Film Committee at BSU, part of Student Program Board, I was approached by Schlitz to screen both the original Movie Orgy and Son of Movie Orgy the next year. Along with the movie, which was a compilation of B-movies, Army training films, commercials and other various stuff, Schlitz offered a dozen kegs of beer. Boise State University had a strict policy of no alcohol on campus in 1972 but I was not going to let 12 free kegs of beer pass on a technicality. Across the street, off state property, sat the American Legion Hall. They would not allow us to have just a kegger so I invented the Schlitz Movie Orgy Talent Show. You had to have a legitimate "act" to enter and there were no prizes as such... but there was free beer. It was a most awesome occasion but the next year when Son of Movie Orgy was offered, I was informed that no such repeat of the previous year would be allowed under threat of expulsion... both movie compilations were worth the watch but the kegger... now that was memorable...
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