Watching a silly gory B-movie can be fun when you have gathered around with a group of friends expecting some cheesy fun. However, '3 Slices of Life' does not offer that because it scores very low on the entertainment quotient. Very poorly written and terribly executed (quite obviously this was made by an amateur), there's little that holds the viewer's interest. The only story that's even at least mildly interesting (if you can call it that) is Amber Alert but even that is ruined by sloppy writing and execution. The 'movie' looks as though it was shot with a poor quality home video camera. The slightly washed out color makes everything look pale and unappealing. The acting is just as poor with the exception of perhaps Toya Turner who seems to at least put some effort. The makeup and special effects are laughably bad and so is the desperate use of supposed metaphors. Obviously, I wasn't anything great or even good but at least something entertaining which '3 Slices of Life' fails to deliver.