Thierry la Fronde (1963–1966)
Forty-five years later, I still remember this series
27 August 2011
My father was in the U.S. Army when he was sent to France around 1960. My mother and the rest of us joined him in 1961. It was several years before we got a TV, but when we did I remember us watching dubbed-into-French U.S. TV shows but I most vividly remember being enchanted by this series about resistance and the fight for justice during the 100 Years War. I suppose I made a vague connection to Robin Hood, but more loved the medieval atmosphere and costumes. I think I learned French faster and better than my siblings, but even I was far from fluent; nonetheless we watched this series faithfully and understood well enough what it was about. If it ever were to come out in a Region 1 DVD set, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
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