Review of Demons 2

Demons 2 (1986)
Pretty Bad .. Not in a Good Way Either
4 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Based on some positive reviews listed here, I decided to download Demons 2. The reviewers in favor of this movie say that the demon series can never be listed alongside truly great movies, and its the cheese, the gore, and the little spurts of magic that only Argento can provide that makes the series so good. Well, I agree. The first was definitely something special in that regard. The start of Demons 2 looked really promising, but everything from about 30 minutes on was just plain awful. From the acid blood scene on. I mean this movie felt like it was about 3 hours long. All of a sudden, all of the precious 80's cheese was gone, and what remained was just bland filler.

There were a lot of bad parts, but I MUST speak about two of them. First, the 30 minutes devoted to that squealing demon baby was mind numbingly lame. I don't even understand why they had the little demon kid transform in the first place. That kid looked freaky as hell! But just when he's about to do away with the pregnant girl, he drops onto the kitchen floor and transforms into the LAMEST demon doll you're ever seen. Maybe if the damn thing did more than just squeal and smile it wouldn't have been so bad ... it couldn't even walk/run for Christ sake. It's main move was flying through the air in a standing position ... ala old school Godzilla films. About 15 minutes in I found myself desperately rooting for the girl to finish the thing off. It just kept coming back! Lol I guess somebody loved it.

The second thing I have to point out is the ending ... jeez Louise. Lol I am completely numb by this point, far past caring what happens ... and to who, let alone WHY. The hero decides to repel down the building with his pregnant girlfriend in tow. Just when he hits the bottom the birthday girl comes swimming down the line after them. He stabs her with a pole and she dies. They then wander into a nearby TV station to seek shelter. Surprise! 2 minutes after he poles the demon chick, she revives herself and comes stumbling into the TV station. A super lame turn of events, but what's lamer? The fact that she did absolutely nothing but show us she was blind (?), and then lay down and die. The end. The whole TV station scene seems weird and misplaced, it's like it would make a nice middle for another movie all together.

ANYONE who is saying this movie is even half-way comparable to the first Demons is either an idiot, or someone who has never seen the first movie! No where close people!
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