i have a thing for seventies and eighties b movies, and i have a thing for sandra currie. so i can't be rational about this film. i was debating whether i should give it an eight (my baseline for a "good" movie) or go as high as a nine. so i decided not to submit a numerical rating at all. rating films on a numerical basis is as stupid as scoring women on a one to ten scale. (as far as i am concerned, sandra is an infinity.) sure, the cinematography and art direction are "subpar" when compared with what can be found in a major studio film from the same period. they might even be said to be lacking when compared with the tech credits of the average seventies INDIE film. but i found the cinematography and art direction to be delightfully cheesy........ "teenage seductress" has a story that keeps your attention. (it maintained my interest, at any rate.) and it has sandra. so if you are into seventies exploitation flix and sandra currie, i would definitely recommend this film to you.