(Some Spoilers) Jimmy Durane who's become world famous as the wild and untamed jungle man Schnarzan is starting to lose his popularity with the movie going public. In that the man eating lions he uses in his Schnarzan movies aren't at all believable as man eaters. In an effort to get back on top of the charts Durante is determined to get famed big game hunter Baron Munchausen's real ferocious man eating lions to be in his latest movie to make his role as Schnarzan the fearless come across as the real deal. The one problem Durante has is that his biggest rival in the movies fellow jungle man Liondora is also interested in getting the Baron's lions for is movies as well! It's now a battle of the two jungle men to get the Baron's lions and Durante jumps the gun by throwing a big Hollywood Party in the Barons honor. But the cagey Liondora has other ideas. He's planning to crash the party disguised , with only a mustache, as a Grand Royal Duke and steal the Baron's lions from right under, no pun intended, Jimmy Durante's nose.
Wild and crazy fun at the party to end all parties which in fact in being one of the last Hollywood movies released before the Hayes Commission came into power in laying down the law of what to and not to, in regards to sex and moral related scenes, put into movies it got away with things that the American movie going public wouldn't be expose to in almost 30 years. Like the skimpy outfit that Lupe Velez the jungle woman and Schnarzan mate wore as well a the hot and heavy as well as hilarious love scenes between the Royal Duke aka Liondora with Henrietta Clemp the wife of multi-millionaire oil man Harvey Clemp. There's also a color cartoon called "The Cohc-late Soldiers" introduced by Mickey Mouse who like Liondora crashed the party and, with the female guests running for their lives, almost started a riot.
***SPOILERS*** It's Stan & Oilie, Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, who really brought the roof down at Jimmy's Hollywood party in exposing the Baron as a deadbeat in stiffing them with check for 50,000 tidily winks, not US currency, that he bought the lion off them that bounced. In the end Jimmy Durante aka Scharzan got his wish as well as the man eating lions who, with the help of Stan & Oille, broke out of their cages and caused holy havoc all over the place. Durante while trying to impress Mrs.Clemp with his both Schnarzan jungle cry as well as his lion fighting abilities unwittingly ends up being attacked and dragged down a flight of stairs by one of the escaped Baron's man eating lions. It's then that Jimmy finally comes to his senses with the big surprise ending that he as well as the audience gets in the movies finial shocking and gut crunching minutes!
Wild and crazy fun at the party to end all parties which in fact in being one of the last Hollywood movies released before the Hayes Commission came into power in laying down the law of what to and not to, in regards to sex and moral related scenes, put into movies it got away with things that the American movie going public wouldn't be expose to in almost 30 years. Like the skimpy outfit that Lupe Velez the jungle woman and Schnarzan mate wore as well a the hot and heavy as well as hilarious love scenes between the Royal Duke aka Liondora with Henrietta Clemp the wife of multi-millionaire oil man Harvey Clemp. There's also a color cartoon called "The Cohc-late Soldiers" introduced by Mickey Mouse who like Liondora crashed the party and, with the female guests running for their lives, almost started a riot.
***SPOILERS*** It's Stan & Oilie, Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, who really brought the roof down at Jimmy's Hollywood party in exposing the Baron as a deadbeat in stiffing them with check for 50,000 tidily winks, not US currency, that he bought the lion off them that bounced. In the end Jimmy Durante aka Scharzan got his wish as well as the man eating lions who, with the help of Stan & Oille, broke out of their cages and caused holy havoc all over the place. Durante while trying to impress Mrs.Clemp with his both Schnarzan jungle cry as well as his lion fighting abilities unwittingly ends up being attacked and dragged down a flight of stairs by one of the escaped Baron's man eating lions. It's then that Jimmy finally comes to his senses with the big surprise ending that he as well as the audience gets in the movies finial shocking and gut crunching minutes!