Lycanthropus (1961)
He may be a philanderer, but he is not a murderer.
27 March 2011
This isn't Jack Nicholson or Benicio Del Toro's wolf-man. it isn't even close to Paul Naschy's beast. This one doesn't even have a werewolf face, and only scratches the victims. Maybe that is why they changed the title from Werewolf to Ghoul.

But, to see one of the early classics is still worth the time.

It is more of a mystery, as Mary (Mary McNeeran) is blackmailing a professor (Maurice Marsac) with some old letters. She is the first victim. Is the professor the killer, or the new teacher (Carl Schell) in school?

Priscilla (Barbara Lass) comes into possession of the letters and tries to find out who killed her friend. (NOTE: Lass was briefly married to Roman Polanski, and, believe it or not, this is one of her best roles in a long career.)

Several murder and several suspects. Who is the ghoul in the girl's dormitory?
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