I have to applaud Comedy Central, not because this show is particularly great but rather because they put shows like this on the air. It's not as funny as Man Bites Dog, Halfway House, Issues, etc but it is still funny and worth watching. By Comedy Central putting on shows like this, funny people out there actually have an obtainable goal if they want to have a go at getting a show made. Had BBC3 not aired The Office perhaps Ricky Gervais would be a plumber instead of a comedian. I guess my point is that this show isn't paint by the numbers, slick camera shots and laugh tracks. It's one of those shows that takes elements of guys you know and amps them up. Not quite to pro wrestling levels but probably a bit higher than you'd see in real life. It's fun though and you won't walk away feeling as if someone just insulted your intelligence. You never know, one of these young guys could end up being the next big funny man. Lay off the network shows for a week and check this show out.