Review of Thor

Thor (I) (2011)
Marvel again shows mastery of fantasy, action & comedy
22 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This ambitious take on Norse mythology opens (well almost) with sweeping views of a colossal imagining of the other world inhabited by Thor, his father, and a plucky band of his axe-wielding, spear throwing war buddies. Thor is destined to become the new King of Asgard, since his dad is looking to settle down maybe on a beach house overlooking one of those awesome waterfalls.. It's pretty amazing stuff visually and the 3D really works wonders except for the perennial difficulty with darkened scenes, it's hard to make out the detail. But as far as 3D movies go, it was engrossing, not as special as Avatar but miles in front of Clash of the Titans.

I don't think anyone would say Chris Hemsworth did anything but impress. He completely stepped up to the plate by bringing an interpretation of a 'Norse God' as intoxicated and thrilled by his own power, and he really seems to be loving every minute of it (maybe it's just in anticipation of getting to make out with Natalie Portman). He shows plenty of energy and this is used to great comic effect in the 'earth' scenes where his unconquerable spirit having to come to terms with a conquerable body lend to some hilarious moments.

The writing towards the end brought down what would otherwise have been a satisfying movie with top acting and cinematography. What should have provided an emotional payoff with the most pivotal moment in the main character arc was instead the point at which the story resigned to connecting the dots. I found myself remembering instead a familiar moment in Disney's Hercules, where the same heroism was shown far more intelligently, even though viewer could see it coming.

Whereas the audience were thoroughly entertained by the first half of the movie the laughter became a little more obligatory as it neared the end. I thought the premise had enormous potential, especially with involvement of S.H.I.E.L.D as a new breed of government agents. The casual throwback to the Iron Man franchise was brilliantly done.

Can't a visually spectacular, first rate big budget movie surprise as well as entertain? But entertaining it is, just don't expect to go anywhere you haven't been before.
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