My favorite Harry Potter movie.
24 April 2011
The Goblet of Fire is my favorite book. And I was expecting this movie more than any other. The Prisoner of Azkaban is my least favorite, but when I saw the trailer of this one, I expected it to be very awesome.

And yes, it appeared to be more awesome than I could expect! But I'm not saying it was very close to the book. Of course it was and it had to be, just some details were naturally changed.

And when I was reading the book, I pretty much was watching this movie already. The plot was amazing, full of action and love. The characters are all grown-ups, it was fun to watch them grow during all the movies, and Harry had the least stupid-looking hairstyle in this movie.

The editing was wonderful. I love the style and the way they show everything to the viewer. The music was also very fitting. It was very good as a MOVIE.

So, the most unique Potter movie. My favorite.
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