Hubble 3D (2010)
mostly astronauts, little scientific space info.
6 May 2011
i watched this movie "on demand" & was fine with idea of seeing it w/o the imax presentation, however the charge for renting it through your cable provider is still not cheap if you want it on high-def. THE BIGGEST waste of money as a far as a movie/documentary goes that i have seen in a looooong time. i know enough about the hubble telescope to know the images it takes & was hoping to see more background behind that & i was led to believe so through the film description (as well as some about the astronauts & their mission).. that was made clear. 3/4+ of the film was about the astronauts & their handiwork in fixing a telescope! with something as amazing as the hubble i figured they would have shown so much more imagery & so much more on the scientific scale versus nasa spacemen training, blasting off into space, & messing around with the camera & the fittings. makes me wonder why it was shown on imax at all or why they even really needed much of a narrator? some beautiful images & info initially & ending, but for the majority, i was bored & my money wasted. i fast-forwarded through a third of it. i could see that on any old program on the science channel or look it up myself. practically 1/2 of an astronaut's job is fixing things in space when they go down, nothing new. disappointed with the whole thing. unless that sounds okay or appealing to you & you'd like to see a bunch of astronauts doing their thing, i'd skip it. good luck!
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