Wonderful sequel to a good movie
26 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had never even heard about the blue lagoon movies until about a year ago. After finding out that shields was in the first movie I thought that it might be kind of interesting since she was one of my favorite actresses however after finding out that there was underage nudity in it my first though was "how could this be legal" since my understanding was the underage nudity was not legal in the united states. I put that  thought aside and decided to watch the movie anyway. After watching it I Saw just how innocent the nudity really was. There was nothing sexual at all about it. About a month or so after watching the original blue lagoon I found out that there was a sequel and that this one had mila jovovich  in it, another actress of whom I knew from the resident evil  series. I figured that this one might be just a good as the first one and for the most part it was. I mean don't get me wrong this was a wonderful movie and the story line was well thought out but the innocents that we saw from the first movie was taken away. In the first movie they grew up not knowing about puberty, pregnancy, and what your body goes though during that time. In this movie both of the young children were educated about the changes that their bodies would go through when they hit the age of puberty. If you put that aside and just watch both movies you will see that they are both great movies to watch. I personally cannot see how people can say that this movie or it's original with shields in it are in any way borderline child pornography. Okay so what I mean yes we do see  a frontal view of mila jovovich's breasts and she was only like 15 or so in this movie and during the first twenty minutes or so there are numerous scenes in which we see a frontal shot of young Courtney barilla who is only like 8 or 9 at the time but it's not like it is  anything that we've never seen growing up so I personally cannot see how people are so bent out of shape about seeing it in the movies but to each their own. Putting that aside both the original and it's sequel were great movies and their story lines were well thought out. They are both worth seeing and in my opinion are a perfect family movie for all ages. Younger children might not fully understand what is going on in the movie and parents might have to explain some things but both movies are family oriented.
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