Gentelmen Prefer Nature Girls
27 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Brooks is fired from his office job when his boss finds out that he is a nudist ("scandalous"). Little does he know that his secretary Ms. Bell (a redhead) is secretly Mrs. Brooks, and also a member of the same lodge (Sunny Palms, Homestead, Florida). A mutual business partner turns up at the resort too, and hatches a plan to get the disapproving boss to stay there. Of course he learns to love being naked under the sun and re-hires Mr. Brooks. A happy ending. This simple, laid-back color movie (that runs just over an hour) has almost the same relaxing vibe as Wishman's classic NUDE ON THE MOON. As well as the expected volleyball, Sunny Palms members line-up to shoot hoops (!), lounge on see-saws, do archery (with rubber-tipped arrows) and (my favourite) sit around swaying while a naked dude plays the accordian. I love it! Also note the fact that it rains (a rarity in nudist camp movies, but surely an occasional reality). Unfortunately Wishman's final three nudist flicks (PLAYGIRLS INTERNATIONAL, BEHIND THE NUDIST CURTAIN and THE PRINCE AND THE NATURE GIRL) remain lost. Her next phase was the stark b/w NYC psychodrama, beginning with BAD GIRLS GO TO HELL.

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