For anyone who doesn't remember analog cable television there was this amazing phenomenon where if you didn't pay for HBO or Cinemax you could still hear them and could see a little bit of a picture every couple of seconds. As a teenager I would, of course, sneak into the room with the TV after respectable hours and try to catch a glimpse of fuzzy nudity. Why tell this story? I felt like trying to find wushu style martial arts in Wushu Warrior was liking trying to find out what a woman looks like naked with fuzzy cable. It's the same as trying to find Waldo in a room full of Santa Claus suits, with one main difference. When you find Waldo you're excited. When you see the Wushu in this crappy movie you go "meh" and then realize you just wasted an hour and a half.
It's not a good movie. Don't watch this. If you're reading these reviews thinking 'at least I'll get some sweet kung-fu, right?' ... don't fall for it. This is not worth watching.
Rating: 4/40
It's not a good movie. Don't watch this. If you're reading these reviews thinking 'at least I'll get some sweet kung-fu, right?' ... don't fall for it. This is not worth watching.
Rating: 4/40