Comic and critic Jaime Humberto Hermosillo's opera prima
7 January 2012
Sex and middle class are the main topics in "La verdadera vocación de Magdalena". Hermosillo shows marriage as a matter of interests (economical and social) in the modern society. emphasizing the education, lose of tradition and customs in the gap generation of sixties youth and its parents.

Acting is kind of irregular. Angelica María, in a very personal opinion, plays the best character in his career, being a kind and vulnerable girl raised in a hard moral education. But Carmen Montejo is irregular, sometimes she complains fulfilling the screen and sometimes she just fall in melodramatic postures, like a soap opera.

The music is great, in one of the first original scores of Mexican cinema and sometimes singed by Angelica María. Also, there are footage images of Avandaro Music Festival, which increase the value of this movie.
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