Cajun Pawn Stars (2012–2013)
Definitely NOT "Pawn Stars"
29 January 2012
This History Channel spin off from the popular juggernaut show "Pawn Stars" is not in the same league as the earlier Las Veges based version.

Cajun Pawn Stars takes place in a merchandise heavy, attractive enough pawn shop in Louisiana. The appearance of the inside of the shop is about the only appealing aspect of watching this show because at least there is lots to look at while you are being bored by the show's content and characters. The staff of this shop seem to lack knowledge on almost everything they comment on. They all also seem "flat" and just lifeless as far as characters go. You really just don't care about them, and when they present misinformation, they annoy you.

Their offer to buy pricing for the items that come in to the shop seems random and not based on any sort of reality or knowledge. On some items they offer a fraction of a realistic wholesale value, but on others they offer way over retail. For example, on the very same episode they low- balled a seller of a 1930's Ford because "it's not the same year as the Bonnie & Clyde car". Who cares about that? Unless the car being sold is the ACTUAL Bonnie & Clyde car, that fact does not change the value of the car being offered for sale, which was, incidentally being offered at a very fair price by the seller. Later, another seller offers a clone (re-creation) of the Dukes of Hazard General Lee car at a truly absurd $65K. They offer her $20K but quickly go up to $30K which is just about full retail on a clone version of this car.

All of the negotiations in the show seem, at best, emotionless, and at worst, completely fake.

The original Pawn Stars show is about as addictive and appealing to a very wide audience as any show I've ever watched. Cajun Pawn Stars is something I have zero interest in even watching again.

I predict that this show will not last long.
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