Terribly boring
11 February 2012
This "movie" is just bad and boring. There is no story. There are no characters to root for or empathize with. The only torture in this movie is the audience having to sit through it. I am a big horror fan, the more twisted the better for me but this thing was just a waste of time. If you like movies with long shots of people staring out into space or a woman constantly screaming while alone, You may like this movie. But I honestly doubt it. Any positive review HAD to come from people involved in the project because no other person who actually watched it could rate it highly. I fell asleep twice while watching it. If you are a horror/gore fan, do not watch this movie. You will be beyond disappointed. The opening scene was the only semi interesting one and even that one didn't pay off. This is a bad movie. You do not want to watch it. It does not have anything you are looking for. It is a lame and stale vanity project by inept amateurs. What a waste of my time.
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