It is a feel good movie and nothing else
12 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the rating on here; I was mildly excited to see this movie in the theater. After about 5 minutes, I saw what kind of movie this was and was disappointed in the IMDb community. Don't get me wrong, This is a good family movie to take the kids, But it is a straightforward Hollywood feel good movie and thats it.

You can call where everything is going in the first 5 minutes. Everything wrong is presented to you, and everything is fixed by the end. No hiccups. Bloody drawing? The child must be so troubled. You can guess what kind of drawing they were in the end. No Love interest, Guess what? that changes to. No money? O what do you know, Your dead wife left you 80k, isn't that nice?

It literally goes out of its way to make it feel so good. Snakes escape the night before and they all gather around the front of the house. The little girl talks like a 20 year old for the most part, and has perfect handwriting, yet her J is backwards. Isn't that cute? I would continue but you see where this is going.

It gets worse the more I think about it. I will never watch this movie again.
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