Half ideas half executed in half a film - an opportunity squandered
9 March 2012
Surprisingly, to my knowledge, there have been no conspiracy satires postulating Hitler's suicide in the bunker being a hoax - this concept is such a golden opportunity for vicious, biting and black gallows humour. Sadly, that opportunity is largely frittered away.

This film looks more like a beta-promo proof-of-concept slap together with which to entice investment for the real thing. Just a bunch of set pieces barely held together by a stream of thought, occasionally losing coherence altogether. It is a very poor product and of marginal interest only. Really, I would like to see the creators pull it - learn from their mistakes, fine tune it, invite some devious writers, or even float for public input, and craft this properly. It is a crying shame seeing something like this so sloppily done.
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