Review of Open House

Open House (I) (2010)
Boring, Slow and Anorexic
18 March 2012
If you like watching anorexic women - watch this movie. It is disturbing and distracting to watch Trish Helfer walk around in a bikini with neck bones, hip bones, rib bones and the rest of her bones poking under her skin. I spent a good majority of the film wondering why no one had the decency to tie her up and force feed a couple burgers while explaining that she looks like a walking skeleton and this would scare the audience more than the sub par script.

You also have to suspend some reality to believe that the brother is afraid of her. One quick slap and he could have broken all those protruding bones in her 80lb body.

Anna Paquin and Steven Moyer - just a bait and switch since they had about 10 minutes of screen time.

End of movie - no idea since I turned it off. Then I ate a sandwich. Try it sometime Trish.
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