So it's not everyday that you watch the greatest movie of your lifetime.
19 March 2012
I will always remember the night I watched this movie for the first time. I was 16-years-old and my dad and I were pretty bored late on a school night. So naturally I say to my father, "Dad, I think it's time to watch Shawshank". I almost regret watching it. It is that good. It's like nothing I ever see in my lifetime can ever compare to the emotional roller coaster that 'The Shawshank Redemption' takes you on.

First question I usually ask people when discussing films is, "So have you seen Shawshank?". No matter what their reply is I am happy with the outcome because if they say no, then they are yet to see the greatest movie of all time. If they say yes, I have something to talk to them about for the next 27 minutes.

You probably still won't believe me when I tell you that this is the greatest film you will ever see. It's that good that I actually told one of my friends not to watch it until she was on her deathbed. Then she will see this movie without ever having to compare anything else to it. Now when I see a movie all I think is, I've already seen the best.

Now actually getting onto maybe even reviewing this masterpiece (not that any summary of the plot could ever do it justice). So all I will say is this, I have never heard anyone give this movie a bad review. Do yourself a favour and don't even bother to finish reading this. Just go and watch it.
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