This is a movie you will probably never be able to see. But if you get an opportunity, don't miss it.
Many unexpected things happen in the storyline. And yet, everything feels so human. Most of the movie is told from the viewpoint of a criminal named Deps, but the police officers are made of flesh and blood too. Don't misunderstand me: this is not really a crime movie, it is an amazing drama about different people.
The acting is superb. The legendary Bekim Fehmiu shows much of his great talent. This is basically his show. Fabijan ovagović is great as ever. His speech some 5 minutes before the end is so full of emotions. Milena Dravić is not one of my favorite actresses since she plays most of her roles in a similar way, but here she gets to play two characters, and she really does a great job, especially during the few minutes of the prison visit scene as Deps' mother.
Highly recommended!
Many unexpected things happen in the storyline. And yet, everything feels so human. Most of the movie is told from the viewpoint of a criminal named Deps, but the police officers are made of flesh and blood too. Don't misunderstand me: this is not really a crime movie, it is an amazing drama about different people.
The acting is superb. The legendary Bekim Fehmiu shows much of his great talent. This is basically his show. Fabijan ovagović is great as ever. His speech some 5 minutes before the end is so full of emotions. Milena Dravić is not one of my favorite actresses since she plays most of her roles in a similar way, but here she gets to play two characters, and she really does a great job, especially during the few minutes of the prison visit scene as Deps' mother.
Highly recommended!