Review of Last Exit

Last Exit (2003)
Give this one a pass
26 March 2012
This movie is an ambitious project with pretty good acting, but it suffers from some writing and technical problems. First, the good things. After I watched it I learned that the budget for this was about $1500, and if that's true, then getting this project completed is an impressive feat. Shot on location, you get a good feel for the neighborhood where the story takes place. The costumes, set design, and art direction are good at conveying the proper atmosphere for the scenes, and above all the acting is good and for the most part convincing. Now for the bad things. The writing, while not horrible, has enough holes and unanswered questions that it's hard to enjoy the story; certain things were unbelievable or unexplained. The most interesting characters to me were the drug dealer and the bartender, but their philosophical points didn't get explored as much as I would have liked, which in my opinion would have made this movie more interesting. The sound was at times difficult to understand and should have been overdubbed in post production (but if the entire budget was $1500 I can understand why this wasn't done), and most importantly, it was very uneven in spaces. Sound effects and music were at times unreasonably loud. Finally, this movie had a lot of scenes, especially at the end, that were so dimly lit that it was impossible to tell what was going on. Overall, a decent effort, but there were too many script and technical problems to be overcome by the good acting.
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