Mongolian Death Worm (2010 TV Movie)
Bad but not quite as outright abominable as I thought it would be
9 April 2012
I saw Mongolian Death Worm as I had nothing better to do and had some time on my hands. I don't consider it an abomination, but there was a lot wrong with it. Sean Patrick Flanery tried his hardest with his role, and I liked the character of the Sheriff, but that was pretty much it. The special effects are very poor most of the time, the worms are cheaply designed and are not thrilling or terrifying let alone very well used, the direction was lazy and the editing didn't seem very focused to me. The dialogue was so cheesy and aimless it was enough to make me cringe in embarrassment, the story more times than not was dull and predictable with far too many suspend disbelief moments to be remotely believable, and the characters are not interesting and little more than clichés. Other than Flanery, the acting whether phoned in or over-played is terrible. Overall, a bad film but I've seen worse. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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