Where do you stand with God?
13 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's happened to many of us. Especially those who may have been in "church" all their lives. You grow up being thought of God and Jesus. As you get into your teens and twenties like Don in the movie you may have questioned those things you were taught. Like Don you stray away and deny what you know in your heart is right. Doubting the existence of God. You think things of people that really aren't right. You think you are so good, when you really aren't. You need to forgive and need forgiveness. After a time you discover God. Right there with you. Never leaving you during your doubt. And proving himself to you as Christ did to Thomas. Like Don you seek that forgiveness and offer it to others. Returning to the God you know does existence, who knows you, forgives you and wants you do the same.
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