Somewhere in between the sword-and-sandals and spaghetti-westerns, the Italian film industry of the 1960s turned out a few costume-adventures which might, very loosely, be termed Renaissancers. They're set in post-medieval Europe and display swordplay, men in tights, buxom barmaids, coaches pulled by teams of horses, masked balls, etc. "Revenge of the Conquered" is a passable but undistinguished example of this minor genre, featuring the underused and now forgotten Burt Nelson, who only takes his shirt off once, and the lovely, always-watchable Wandisa Guida. To date, this is the movie's only review. It doesn't quite deserve such borderline oblivion but then, there's little reason to remember it.
(Note: the English-dubbed DVD print under review is in b&w rather than color and runs 90 minutes.)
(Note: the English-dubbed DVD print under review is in b&w rather than color and runs 90 minutes.)