There's some merit to even a slightly hokey movie.
18 October 2011
I guess some people see only one side of the bell curve and the other, but there are a lot of movies that, while not even remotely in the Oscar category, are still worth a watch. "Kiss Of A Stranger" is one of them. Sure, it is a low-budget piece, but the acting isn't bad and the plot twists give it some interest at the conclusion.

The opening song, "Another Night Alone" sung by Deborah Holland has a smooth torch song feel to it, and is well done by her (lip-synched by Dyan Cannon). As the story progresses, the movie draws the viewer in, and gives a great "punch line" ending to explain the plot.

Not every movie watched has to be a "Gone With The Wind", or, conversely, a "Plan 9 From Outer Space"...there's plenty in the middle to be entertained by.

If it's on late-night cable sometime, or a copy is gathering dust on the DVD shelf of your video store, give it a try.
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