Review of Omiros

Omiros (2005)
Great film; however a watered down version of the real experience
28 October 2011
I'm voting a 9, because it's a convincing, good film. But as far a it being a true story.... not exactly. I was in Greece on vacation in 1998 when this happened. At the time; Albanian refugees were living in Greece. Greeks felt sorry for them, as they do for so many others;( their biggest downfall), and allowed them into their homes, jobs, lives... and in return they robbed banks, killed their hosts and terrorized the country. This movie portrayed the situation as an innocent, good-looking boy treated as a slave in Greece. With a bus full of Stockholm syndrome victims!! And done so well; I almost fell for it. I heard the entire thing live on the radio; this bastard shoved the grenade in the lady's pants and threatened to pull the pin for hours; and then finally did.
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