Up All Night (2011–2012)
Should Be Funnier
7 November 2011
Considering the talent in this show I had higher hopes. But sadly most shows centered around being new parents and a baby are usually failures. This show continues to rehash the same themes of new parenthood (ie finding time for each other, no sleep, loving/hating your child, etc). Which is too bad because Will Arnett is wonderful but still has yet to do anything better than his character Gob in Arrested Development. A show so far superior to this one that I'm afraid to mention them in the same sentence. Christina, well, yeah, she has had more sitcom failures than any one person cares to admit. I'm not sure this is really a reflection upon her. Just poor projects that come her way and poor writing. And lastly Maya Rudolph who was hysterical in Bridesmaids does a very made for TV portrayal of Oprah. Her character is cringe worthy in nearly every scene. It is kind of like her very own worst of SNL reel put into a role. Painful.

Sadly this show could have had potential due to the people involved. But this recycled material was destined for failure because apparently the writers are trying as hard as Maya Rudolph in this show resulting in a painful and predictable show. I wish it was better but it's not.
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