Life's Too Short (2011–2013)
Good hearted fun
21 November 2011
I find Life's Too short to be a funny and quirky mockumentary following Warwick around showing us his (not so) glamorous life as an agent for other little people. It seems to me that many English viewers are a bit biased about Gervais, but if you like his other series you'll like this.

Much of the fun revolves around Ricky's office and there's cameos as usual, including Liam Neeson, Carrel, Depp and more. I've watched the episodes a few times to really take them in, and I'd say it grows on me too. Warwick's parody of himself and the comedy Gervais and Merchant add makes him likable and funny. Most of the fun is based on the fact that he's trying hard to present his business and himself as a little person as more glamorous then it is, but then it's apparent to viewers that it's not. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, that's what the comedy is about here.

I think other reviewers show they don't pay attention when they say it's cheap or lazy comedy, and criticize Warwick falling off his heightening phone books and out of the car, it comes right after he narrates that he wants to show viewers that he's a classy guy, and that's just funny. Simple, but funny.
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