difference feeling about guns in the US and China
28 November 2011
I like Michael Moore's documentaries. Bowling for Columbine seems a little successful than Fahrenheit 9/11 for me. The background is the shooting violence affair in Columbia High School. Michael figured it out through different attitude of US citizens about this violence affair. He made issues of guns as the original problem in US violence.

In my personal opinion, this movie revealed that people transit a mood of insecurity. And all these bad things came from guns. Due to the idea throughout seemed to be the inherent evil with guns it was obvious from the questions asked that this isn't really true. Maybe there is a possibility, which shows American gun culture that people have their right and freedom to protect themselves, even they have power to fight against government in order to press somebody powerful. As a Chinese, I think if this gun-allowed policy was used in China, it will be a worse trouble, since Chinese government was controlled by only one party, their policy serviced for themselves, there are a lot of unstable things in society. If people have right to use guns, killing will happen everywhere.
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