Review of the first 20 minutes
8 December 2011
Bunny, a relaxed high school girl, encounters a talking cat with whose help she transforms into Sailor Moon during a second, equally surreal encounter with a vampire-like youma who is sucking blood from a girl. However, the mysterious Tuxedo Mask helps her fight against evil...

In 2011, a group of fans, led by director Elana Mugdan, decided to film their very own live-action, independent movie of a popular anime and manga series, funded entirely with donations. As a longtime "Sailor Moon" fan, this project caught my attention and I was eager to finally see how they are going to pull this off. Since as of this date only the first 20 minutes of the movie were made, this review will focus only on them. Even though I was skeptical, the first 20 minutes - which roughly follow the events of the first episode of the anime - are surprisingly catchy and enjoyable. Yes, certain unusual new details need time to get accustomed to (two FBI agents were added into the story; the blood sucking youma seems more like a vampire...), yet I have to admit...I watched it with such an awe as if I was a little kid. With almost a 1/3 effect of what "Sailor Moon" had on me when I saw it for the first time. They captured that adventurous flair.

Avery Danielle is great as the title heroine. Nick Uhas seems at first as a strange choice to play Tuxedo Mask, yet he proved himself worthy later on. I know some will be put off by the fact that it plays out in the US, not in Japan, but when you have American actors and locations, such a modification was arguably justified. The location for the Game Center Crown, for instance, suits the story perfectly. Director Mugdan did a good job. Since this is just the start, I will just have to wait until they post the whole thing until my final judgment. Therefore, I cannot yet compare it to PGSM, that golden standard of live-action "Sailor Moon" adaptations, or the Sera Myu musicals, but my hopes are up. The movie was elegant, natural and fun, with a few great solutions in transporting the animated world into ours.
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