My family and i have always LOVED watching John Pinette's comedy routines. One of the main reasons why I loved his routines is because he is very funny without using profanity. In his first comedy movie (I believe it is called I'm Starvin'), he probably cursed around two or three times. His skits about food, especially the Chinese Buffet, were hilarious. So when my parents bought this film for my sister for Christmas, we began to watch it. John Pinette's use of profanity went up significantly. I didn't mind it too much until he decided to use the f-word. Many of his jokes also implied the use of the f-word. I still found many of the jokes to be extremely funny, but I lost some respect for Pinette. You are funny enough, John Pinette, without the constant use of profanity, the crude jokes, and the f-word. I, personally, think it is a cop out. Some comedians can't be funny on their own, so they have to use profanity. John Pinette, you are not one of them. Stop using the cheaters way of being funny.
The first comedy routine you could watch as a family. This one, you definitely couldn't. Please go back, John Pinette, to using cleaner material.
The first comedy routine you could watch as a family. This one, you definitely couldn't. Please go back, John Pinette, to using cleaner material.