Not that great
11 July 2012
I find it hard to believe this movie was made in 2008. It has horrible acting, and even worse special effects. The graphics were terrible. It was a decent story-line if you want to go along with the myth behind the Arthur story rather than the historical record we see in the 2004 movie King Arthur. Granted, there is the typical myth behind Arthur with Merlin "the wizard" and the Lady of the Lake, but I think that the actual historical Arthur is a better story than the myth, because it actually happened, rather than making up a bunch of things to embellish it. Anyway, the story was OK, but the scenes especially with the dragons were ridiculous. I could photoshop a dragon that looks more realistic than those did. And why wasn't there any blood on their swords when they killed people? The costumes need a lot of work as well.
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