The Worst Sci-Fi film ever created
18 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit, it was only recently I actually came across this film. The first clip I saw was the scene in the bar where John Travolta's character 'Terl' says his infamously cheesy "While you were still learning how to spell your name, I was being trained to conquer galaxies" line. The clip was on the YouTube video 100 top cheesiest quotes and at first I didn't recognise the fact that it was John Travolta giving this atrociously cheesy line and instead thought it was a secondary character or a comic relief, so I dug further in and decided to have a stab at watching this, hoping to God that it was what I had suspected. It was not, and in fact, it was much worse than that.

The main problems with this film can be summed up in a few words:

  • Everything...

The acting is an absolute joke, there's no character development, John Travolta makes himself out to be a complete doom-brain, the special effects have nothing special to them, the story is more convoluted and nonsensical than anything ever written and whatever's left of this steaming pile of mess is probably a joke as well. At first I had high expectations to this film, but turns out I was wrong on so many levels.

Let me elaborate on my above points, everyone in this movie (especially John Travolta) over acts their parts to the point of extremity, so much so that every scene is almost laughable. There is no character development, no proper run in as to he character's situation, you're just expected know before hand what is going on, which you can't because there's not enough of a back-story for you to build on. The special effects look like they were made on Flash Player 2004, the story makes no sense, with so many plot holes such as essential savages being able to learn in the window of a few days how to arm guns and fly Harrier Jump Jets, and how an entire Global Military force could not defeat the aliens yet 6 Harrier Jump Jets could take them down with ease. But this point is only trivial compared to some of the other points of idiotic interest you can pick out from this film. And probably my most irritating point is the fact that 99% of the shots are at an angle, which makes the movie almost unwatchable to begin with. Was the director's neck stuck at an angle so the only way he could tell what was going on was to have the camera's at an angle too? Really no need for it.

Overall, this was just a big waste of time and money that somehow made it into the cinemas. I mean, for what was supposed to be an overly serious movie about the last fight of Mankind against aliens, this actually seems pretty comical, I mean John Travolta is essentially a one man comedy show with his overacting, a real gem of cinema there folks!
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