A young man named Peter enters a bar and finds a morose friend drinking in the presence of a barman. He has sent 2000 blanket to Albania and he enthusiastically avers this to his friend, who takes it indifferently. In the next few shots, Peter and his friend argue over the latter's refusal to drink anything Mexican and Peter doesn't stop here – he even accuses the barman for 'initiating' racism by keeping such customers. His friend says that the barman has voted for the socialists, and this reminds Peter that he himself has forgotten to vote. The chap frantically calls for a cab to take him to the booth, and encounters an acrimonious driver (who looks Mexican) who can't stop railing blacks, Turks and Arabs.
After a heated exchange, he gets out and takes another cab, this time with an opinionated German who seemingly believes in white supremacy. The third driver seems alright (he is an Arab) until he notices a joint previously selling kebabs being replaced by a sushi store. Peter finds it far easier to run it down to the booth without listening to all the racist remarks, not directed at him but at a different race. He reaches the place just to be stopped by a lady (who is black) disallowing him from entering. In an effort to change her mind, Peter tells her he is voting for 'her people'. The tables turn on him as not only is he called a racist, but he is also punched by a white man who uses a derogatory word while 'defending' the lady. Finally, the worn down man reenters the bar to quaff up a Carlsberg instead of the Mexican drink.
Election Night isn't anywhere as great as the delightful Lunch Date or the wicked Black Rider. It doesn't have two themes running concurrently as in Lunch Date where we assume we are watching a movie about racism only to be smacked in the head at the end or in Black Rider where the title itself can be interpreted in two ways. It's more simple and straightforward, but there is enough humor to make it a worthwhile short. I do wish it were about a minute or two longer and the scenes with the cab drivers more extended. Good moments: the song choice (it starts with Ella Fitzgerald), some crisp dialogs and some humor. Bloopers (though I usually don't mention them): during the scene in the first cab, while we see the camera panning the driver's face and also see the back of the rear view mirror, we can't see Peter sitting behind even though he is clearly in the center space in the shots including both the characters.
We live in a very funny world: on own hand, my father thinks says the whole of Pakistan should be eradicated from earth while on the other he can't help watching an Indian comedy show that mainly features Pakistanis! So I know there's nothing in Election Night that seems ridiculous. But it didn't have anything outstanding either. My Rating: 6.3 out of 10
After a heated exchange, he gets out and takes another cab, this time with an opinionated German who seemingly believes in white supremacy. The third driver seems alright (he is an Arab) until he notices a joint previously selling kebabs being replaced by a sushi store. Peter finds it far easier to run it down to the booth without listening to all the racist remarks, not directed at him but at a different race. He reaches the place just to be stopped by a lady (who is black) disallowing him from entering. In an effort to change her mind, Peter tells her he is voting for 'her people'. The tables turn on him as not only is he called a racist, but he is also punched by a white man who uses a derogatory word while 'defending' the lady. Finally, the worn down man reenters the bar to quaff up a Carlsberg instead of the Mexican drink.
Election Night isn't anywhere as great as the delightful Lunch Date or the wicked Black Rider. It doesn't have two themes running concurrently as in Lunch Date where we assume we are watching a movie about racism only to be smacked in the head at the end or in Black Rider where the title itself can be interpreted in two ways. It's more simple and straightforward, but there is enough humor to make it a worthwhile short. I do wish it were about a minute or two longer and the scenes with the cab drivers more extended. Good moments: the song choice (it starts with Ella Fitzgerald), some crisp dialogs and some humor. Bloopers (though I usually don't mention them): during the scene in the first cab, while we see the camera panning the driver's face and also see the back of the rear view mirror, we can't see Peter sitting behind even though he is clearly in the center space in the shots including both the characters.
We live in a very funny world: on own hand, my father thinks says the whole of Pakistan should be eradicated from earth while on the other he can't help watching an Indian comedy show that mainly features Pakistanis! So I know there's nothing in Election Night that seems ridiculous. But it didn't have anything outstanding either. My Rating: 6.3 out of 10