Review of Hanger

Hanger (2009 Video)
Hanger hangs on....barely
26 July 2012
"Hanger" is NOT a good movie. It is, in fact, repulsive and low budget and I dare recommend this but for a select few. There are problems galore. The acting is pretty substandard, the cinematography is less then stellar, and the plot is pretty thin. There are HUGE holes in this bad boy... Yet, it does have it's charm. There is a large does of humor to be found, alongside some grotesque imagery and a brave, if not poorly conceived, script. This is a splatter revenge flick with gumption and originality though it's window dressing is of the hand me down variety. There is a liberal amount of sexuality that serves little purpose beyond getting pre- pubescent teenage boys to watch it has it's desperation as well. If your looking to round out your low budget, monster/revenge movie list then by all means look into it with a healthy amount of skepticism. If your looking for the next cult classic...there MIGHT be enough to give it credence. However if your looking for a movie to sustain the weight of it's shocking plot description you will be disappointed. It's a movie that 2 out of 10 will think was "alright".
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