The movie begins with a brilliant idea that previous versions of Kenneth Grahame's book missed: animated animals are cartoons, not people. Grahame wrote his book with his main characters called by names of animals, living like animals (in the ground) sometimes, and living apart from humans (like animals). But they're humans . . . up to and including having their own god ("Piper at the Gates of Dawn.") This version fixed the ridiculousness of animation by having human beings in the roles, who had slight make-up like animals and some behavioral quirks like animals, but otherwise interacted like HUMANS. Thus, the script began with a brilliant improvement. It was so well done that one could forgive editorial decisions for time constraints ("Dulce Domum" is truncated, as is the seminal "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" (no search for otter's pup, no poem explaining why they don't remember, no Pink Floyd.) The THEME of the book is friendship: Mole leaves his burrow and instantly strikes up and maintains a friendship with Rat. Rat is both generous and gracious with Mole, who supports Rat (in most things.) They give to each other because that's what friends do. Toad is merely the biggest friend who is also the most needy. Mole, Rat, and Badger work to rein in Toad for his own good and ultimately succeed by making painfully clear to Toad that their friendship requires his good behavior. AND TOAD AGREES. The book ends with the 4 animals being the closest companions and Toad is humble, self-effacing, and moves attention to others BECAUSE THEY'RE HIS FRIENDS. This movie waits until (literally) the last minute to undo and re-write all of that. Toad was going to be a fair and humble Toad . . . until he sees an airplane. Then he goes right back to being a selfish, destructive jerk. Rat and Badger and Mole leave in disgust. All that brilliance betrayed in 60 seconds. I want my time back.
The Wind in the Willows
(2006 TV Movie)
The movie only pretends to be from the book
12 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers