The Glee Project (2011–2012)
The Oxymoron of Scripted Reality: The Glee Project
16 August 2012
I really loved the concept of the Glee Project when I became totally hooked on the first one, until I realized it's simply a way to audition pretty young boys without seeming obvious. I won't argue that the guys aren't talented, because ALL those contenders are so talented and it's a pleasure to watch them bravely compete, while their hearts break over realizing they can only win if their new friends are sacrificed. But when they sent Shanna home, I knew that the point of this whole project is to boost ratings, of course, and find new boys. Shanna wasn't cool enough, but she had the pipes, and wore the meat dress like a trooper, and Nikki had no criticism for her, and neither did Zach. She was on the mark every time, and she had the best attitude. Even Ali, who never had a chance because of the limitations imposed by the wheelchair, was just the brightest star, and I couldn't stop watching her to see what dimension of herself she would show next. She could really manage that wheelchair, and always looked like the shiniest person in the room. AND the woman can SING. Aylin is exotic, and had a great voice. Blake is boring, but he's nice to look at, and has kind of a John Krazinski awkwardness about him that is endearing. Last year, the most talented of the top contenders was clearly Lindsey, who was a triple threat, but she lost out to a baby faced Irish crooner who is a terrible dancer, and a mediocre singer/songwriter who has some sexy Michael Jackson moves, and the same facial expression for all occasions...go Ryan Murphy. Sooner or later, you're going to have to let a girl win because your motives are becoming obvious, and it's becoming harder and harder to believe these kids are on an equal playing field. It seems more likely that you choose each contender to appeal to a different television viewing niche, and then pick the "winner" you had your eye on all along. It's becoming too predictable. And please don't try to make us believe that Nikki Anders is sentimental. Talk about bad acting. Nikki crying? And Zach Woodlee seems more insightful about the attributes of the contenders than anybody, but he had very few compliments for this group's abilities as dancers. Isn't that his job as the choreographer elite? To find the diamond in the rough? Erik White seems to be able to get everyone to perform. Maybe it's all in the editing. The tie-breaker: That Blake Jenner can sure toss a microphone. And what about that poem? Why was Blake allowed the special consideration when his "I'll Be" couldn't even touch the spot-on performances of Ali and Aylin? No fair.
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