For your information: one of the worst films of all time
25 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Take a video camera, any will do, new or old, it doesn't matter. Then assemble a group of strangers, give them no plot or script to work from and film them. Whatever the outcome of this endeavor the chances are you will surpass Tulpa in style, complexity and your actor's performances.

Tulpa is without doubt one of the worst films ever. Acting so wooden it makes Haydn Christensen's turn as Anakin Skywalker look as complex and multi-faceted as Al Pacino's in the Godfather Part II. A script so bad that it contains the line, "For your information I work in IT", although the delivery and context of this made it one of the funniest scenes committed to film this year.

The first post credits scene of a business meeting written via what must have been a copy of meeting buzz words for idiots is hilarious, with the head of the company, who is the sleazy love child of Silvio Berlusconi and Alan Sugar, telling his management team that one of them must go.

The sex club run by the weirdo in white gloves does more for promoting abstinence than anything right wing Christians can cook up with him constantly imploring our heroine to "Release her Tulpa".

I have wasted hours of my life watching this so you don't have to. Heed my warning and keep your Tulpa where it is!
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