Classic ghost story - mesmerizing and memorable
3 September 2012
I saw this wonderful film when I was almost twenty in a very unique and intimate theater in Eugene Oregon. The film was incredibly intense and remarkably scary. I lived out in the country at the time, and i must admit I was scared of the dark for many months after watching this what I call "classic" ghost story. The film grabbed and sucked you in to its web quickly and effectively. It is one of the best ghost stories I have ever seen on film. It is a tragedy that this film is not available on other mediums. I am shocked to find it still has not made its impact to current generations. Someone out there must have this film stored somewhere - I would love to see it again and experience the terror or a truly ghostly and haunting encounter. I encourage anyone who has ever seen this wonderful film to comment and encourage someone who may have this stored away to make it available to the general public. A timeless masterpiece. Barbie Connell, Manchester, Connecticut 2012
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