Another shameless example of cashing in on middle aged people like me wanting to be reminded of the "good ole days", and then this time adding a current pop star to draw the youngsters as well.
Sadly, for all it's style and glam etc, it misses the cold hard mark of the original. Winstone is no longer "hard", especially not when they dress him in trendy gear - he just looks like a mid life crisis bloke (better in a Crombie). Admire his ability to laugh at his ever expanding gut, but he doesn't carry off the tough guy anymore.
Plan B is also laughable - although I recognise that he is obviously trying, but it's not enough. And Damien Lewis is just a caricature that is miscast.
Plus it is too long. I was almost asleep by the "climax".
They do try to introduce humour, but with one notable exception (face in window) it just doesn't work.
And if the shooting accuracy of coppers and ex paras is reflective of real life, then the crims and Afghans have got it made - this lot couldn't hit a barn door with a banjo. And love 2 examples of a goodguy taking cover behind something made of wood, which then gets shot exactly where he is standing, and he's not hit(??????). Remarkable wood these days.
Sadly, for all it's style and glam etc, it misses the cold hard mark of the original. Winstone is no longer "hard", especially not when they dress him in trendy gear - he just looks like a mid life crisis bloke (better in a Crombie). Admire his ability to laugh at his ever expanding gut, but he doesn't carry off the tough guy anymore.
Plan B is also laughable - although I recognise that he is obviously trying, but it's not enough. And Damien Lewis is just a caricature that is miscast.
Plus it is too long. I was almost asleep by the "climax".
They do try to introduce humour, but with one notable exception (face in window) it just doesn't work.
And if the shooting accuracy of coppers and ex paras is reflective of real life, then the crims and Afghans have got it made - this lot couldn't hit a barn door with a banjo. And love 2 examples of a goodguy taking cover behind something made of wood, which then gets shot exactly where he is standing, and he's not hit(??????). Remarkable wood these days.