Review of Detention

Detention (2011)
Very cool
21 September 2012
Yes this is a convoluted, over the top, cinematically offensive mess of a film but it's also one of the coolest films I've seen in quite some time. Embracing every tired cliché and exploiting the hell out of them Detention is a hard movie to even sum up. If in fact you can even call it one. I'm sure as many people will hate it as love it. The bizarre social subtext and plastic infusion of stereotypes flipped on their sides while on acid lends itself to an always surprising and creative vibe that works more than not. Sure the film feels a little long in it's three ring circus finale trying to make insane sense of the events that proceeded it but the film works best when just making clever stabs at modern teen thinking and astute observations on the trendiness of trends. Joseph Kahn redeems himself of the cinematic stink from his previous eye popping but soulless feature Torque even adding in a few jokes at his expense.A music video director magnet of Britney Spears fame he unleashes Detention with a visual pizazz and over the top cinematic foray into smart thinking for 90s bad cinema buffs. Being a child of that era I couldn't help but appreciate all the references and the way it all added up, seeing the blatant irony in the films entirety it's hard for me not too overly praise the films bombastic effect but a second more in tuned watch I feel would expose the films faults and maybe a sense of brilliance I may have created. but at this point Detention is just really cool!
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