Katy Perry: Part of Me, was, to be completely honest, okay. It was indeed interesting to learn about Katy Perry's off stage life, and on stage life, but the movie sadly dragged it out to much. It was too long for a sort of movie like it was. It, at some parts, got extremely boring. If you love watching movies about singers or actresses lives off and on stage than this movie is for you. But if you don't like it when they drag movies out and put stuff in there that is extremely pointless than this movie is definitely not for you. Katy Perry: Part of Me was just one of those movies that when nothing else is really on you turn it on and watch it. Of course if you love Katy Perry, then this Katy Perry movie is going to have you glued to the television. I am not a big fan of her, but the movie wasn't bad, just dragged out.